Stay Connected
The easiest way a group stays relationally connected is through their regular group meetings. But when it’s not possible for a season, how can they keep the relationship bridge strong without physical presence?
Start a WhatsApp group or a Closed Facebook Group. Most people use some form of social media. For the average person, WhatsApp and Facebook are usually their daily stopping point. Leverage that by forming a closed group where members can privately post pictures, prayer requests, and encourage each other.
Check Up through a Group Email, WhatsApp or SMS. Encourage members to interact via email or through direct messaging daily or every few days. It’s a good way to share information – especially for those group members who don’t use social media.
Utilize Group Text. More urgent matters are better via text. If emergencies arise, don’t rely on social media or email – use your phone’s messaging function.
Pick Up the Phone. While young adults prefer text, many older adults prefer the sound of a voice. It can be overwhelming for you as a leader to call each member of your group, so consider empowering others to share in this vital task (more on that later).
Serve Each Other. As you communicate with others from your group, encourage them to share how they’re doing and what they may need—listening for ways that you can step up.
Encourage Spiritual Growth
When we’re “trapped” at home, it can be tempting to binge-watch a favourite movie or TV series, or finally clean out that cluttered closet. While that isn’t necessarily a bad way to spend a long weekend, it does seem like a waste when the weekend turns into a week or two, or more. All that down-time is a perfect opportunity to invest in your relationship with God. How can we encourage group members to sink deep roots in Christ during this season? Thanks to our digital age, we can easily share:
Join the NTin21 Group. Having more time than usual, we’ve devised a 21 day reading plan where we will cover the entirety of the New Testament in 3 weeks. We encourage you to join and share the gems you’ve uncovered in your readings. Our aim with this group is to encourage one another in our daily walk with God and to grow deeper in our understanding and appreciation of Him during this time. It also allows us to develop daily habits which can benefit us long after the lockdown is lifted. To join, please click here.
Current Worship Music. Encourage group members to post worship songs they’re currently listening to on your social media page or share them via group email. Chances are you’ll learn something new about each other – and be inspired to draw near to Jesus! We have a worship playlist on the website that we will updating regularly, so be sure to tune in and share it further with your friends!
Deepen the Relationships
You may not be in the same room but nothing stopping your group from tightening up your bonds with one another. With minimal effort, you can strengthen the foundation that leads to a flourishing group when you get back together again.
Question of the Day. A Facebook friend daily posts a “Question of the Day” on his wall. None of the questions are profound, but they’re meant to spark interaction. If you try something like this, make sure to keep the questions on the lighter side.
Share Testimonies. You might be new to the term “testimony.” It simply means sharing what God has done in your life – whether that’s how you came to Christ or what God has recently done in your life. Using email as a way for group members to share their “God stories” could be a powerful way to grow closer, to one another and God. We will look to post some testimonies, celebrating what Jesus has done in their lives.
Technology has allowed us to meet together even if we aren’t in the same space. Here are a few ways for your group to be together virtually.
Attend Church. Many churches stream their worship services and we will be doing the same. We encourage you to make use of social media to watch this with the broader online community and to share your thoughts and inputs with your groups.
Host a Watch Party. We will be hosting a watch party on Facebook, but feel free to make one of your own if you can. Then share your comments or questions in real-time. It’s one of the few times it’s OK to talk in church!
Conference Call. If there’s an extended time when your group can’t get together, consider a conference call. There are various apps and websites that can help make this possible. And if you don’t know how to do it, simply ask someone in your group to accept the challenge and figure it out.
Video Conference. For the more tech-savvy, consider a video conference meeting. Depending on your profession, you may already use a video platform (such as Skype, Google Hangouts or Or you may have a group member who already uses such a system. As with the conference call idea, if it overwhelms you as a leader, assign coordination to a willing group member.