Praying through the Lord’s Prayer – Day 6

And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
— Matthew 6:12

It is noteworthy that Jesus leaves forgiveness to the end of his prayer. It is normally the most pressing matter on our hearts as we turn to God, yet Jesus instructs us to focus our gaze upon ‘our Father who is in heaven’. It sets the tone for forgiveness. We do not approach a harsh judge with a sense of cowering and grovelling. Out of relationship with Him through His Son, we boldly approach our Father in humble confidence with all out faults, as He deeply cares for us. To approach Him in any other way is to approach Him in either arrogant self-reliance, trusting in our own capacity to make ourselves right with Him or half-hearted certainty in His goodness.

That Jesus died on the cross is history.
That Jesus died for sin is theology.
That Jesus died for my sin is Christianity.
— Anonymous

When our consciences are stirred by the Holy Spirit to make us aware of our sin, we are reminded of the great price paid for our debt towards God, as well as His amazing payment for our sin by sending His Son to pay a price which we could never pay ourselves. It takes both humility and courage to confess our sins. This humility and courage comes from God’s grace. This is why God assures us of His heart towards us and the certainty of forgiveness found in Him:

Though your sins are like scarlet,
they will be white as snow;
though they are as red as crimson,
they will become like wool.
— Isaiah 1:18

As we trust in God for His forgiveness, He points us to Jesus – we are not to fixate on our sin, but to set our eyes, hope and heart on Jesus. At the same time, knowing God’s forgiveness frees us to forgive others as we have been forgiven. The context for our forgiveness towards others is rooted in the great forgiveness we receive from God. This is why knowing God’s forgiveness frees us to truly forgive others from the heart. Dietrich Bornhöffer says in this regard, “I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray, no matter how much trouble he causes me”.

Points to Pray

  • Thank Jesus for the high price he paid to make forgiveness and reconciliation possible.

  • Ask him to cleanse your heart of any sin and to heal the wounds in your heart inflicted by others.

  • Ask God if there is anyone whom you are struggling to forgive. Ask Him for the strength, the courage, the wisdom and the opportunity to reconcile with that person.

  • Pray that you may become a peacemaker in your relationships and in the world around you.